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Mobile Website Development

Is your website compatible for mobile devices?

With tremendous increase in the number of mobile phone users accessing internet on their mobile phones has made it important for website owners to have a mobile version for their websites.

A normal website appears distorted or are very difficult to nevigate through when opened on a mobile browser. The basic fundamentals behind developing mobile websites are
  • Compatible with different mobile browsers such as Blackberry, Android, iPhone and Nokia etc.
  • Opens on differen browser dimension ranging from 128px X 160px to 320px X 480px etc.
  • Light weight so that it opens in minimum possible time and reducess the cost of accessing to the users.
  • Easy Navigation to make users capable to get information easily they want.
  • Avoiding unneccessary things from getting downloaded.
  • Tracking device from which users are accessing your website and redirecting them to proper website
    e.g. if someone accessing your website through mobile browser then he/she should be redirected to
    your mobile site.
If you want us to consult you for the development of your Mobile Website Click Here to submit your Query or call us at +91-8745-9090-65.